Here is a selection of links to information on military, sociological and environmental themes connected with Orford Ness.

The Military Aviation Heritage Networks provide regional ‘peer to peer’ support, discuss common issues, develop mutually beneficial projects and share best practice.
They provide an excellent umbrella organisation to put various aviation museums in context, and links to many museums can be found on their web pages.

Authored by the nuclear historian and Charterhouse member Brian Burnell, this web site is a fascinating repository of information on selected British nuclear weapons, despite being “under construction”. There is an excellent section on the interim megaton weapon VIOLET CLUB and the later WE. 177. Brian’s practical approach makes for interesting reading.

The Bentwaters Cold War Museum web site covers both the museum and the Bentwaters Aviation Society, which was formed in 2002 by a group of enthusiasts wishing to keep alive the memory and record the history and heritage of both the Royal Air Force and United States Air Force activity at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge.

IRGON has established a productive working relationship with the excellent museum at Peenemünde. Initially following lines of enquiry regarding the Askania Kth. 41 kine-theodolites, we are hoping to open up new themes relevant to Orford Ness. The museum strikes a balance very successfully between the two extremes of weapons research for the Third Reich and a birthplace of space travel. A visit is highly recommended.

What has Walker AFB, located in the desert of New Mexico at Roswell, got to do with Orford Ness? Well, together with the Ness, it was one of 8 sites worldwide to host the secretive AFTAC “R” system in the early 1960s. There is nothing about that system to be found on the museum web site, but an interesting visit nonetheless.

Orford Museum CIO is a volunteer-led museum based within the village of Orford, Suffolk.
Their aim is to promote the history of the nine parishes of Orford, Gedgrave, Sudbourne, Iken, Chillesford, Butley, Tunstall, Boyton and Capel St. Andrew. They display and conserve artefacts from the local area in display cases in Orford Castle and hold events. https://orfordmuseum.org.uk