
From the mid 1950’s nuclear weapons and associated components were regularly transported from Aldermaston to Orford Ness for tests to be carried out. The early weapons were very large and would have been delivered directly to the test lab reception area. At the beginning of the 1960’s, weapons were becoming significantly smaller, and testing requirements more complex. The volume of test weapons and components being handled by Orford Ness was increasing steadily.

​In order to accommodate the increasing workload AWRE embarked on a building programme known as Phase 2. As part of this programme a new secure nuclear weapon storage facility known as the Magazine was built in 1962.

​Click below for the full Magazine report

Magazine: location

Magazine drawings
Magazine: cable route to Plinth F
​© Crown Copyright / AWE 2021. Contains public sector information licenced under the Open Government Licence V3.0.
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Magazine - photos
Magazine: 25th September1982
​© Crown Copyright / AWE 2021. Contains public sector information licenced under the Open Government Licence V3.0.
Magazine - graphics
Magazine: Isometric view showing section planes
© IRGON (Ray Maffey)
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