Laboratory 1

Lab 1 is a very substantial and unique building. A large 600mm thick, reinforced concrete raft was supported by 60 concrete piles going down to the water table. A large reinforced concrete pit was incorporated to simulate the aircraft bomb bay. Reinforced concrete walls rose from the raft incorporating a number of equipment and service rooms. Shingle was then banked up all around the building to roof level.

​The design of the roof was quite unusual. There was an insulated suspended ceiling, sited above an overhead crane and then a corrugated metal roof supported by steel trusses. In the event of a failure, and a resulting explosion, the roof would have been blown clear of the lab. Where it would have landed is a matter of speculation!

​Lab 1 was equipped with two large vibration test units, located in the pit area, a drop test area beyond and a heating and humidity boiler system. A control room concrete bunker was built some distance away to the north and was connected to Lab 1 by means of an underground cable network.

​Lab 1 was proof-tested for 28 days at a temperature of 70°C at 100% humidity before being handed over for service in April 1956.

Laboratory 1 – location

Drawings – click image to enlarge. For full size please contact IRGON.

Laboratory 1 drawings
Pipeway entry for fire fighting system
​© Crown Copyright / AWE 2021. Contains public sector information licenced under the Open Government Licence V3.0.
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Photographs – click image to enlarge. For full size please contact IRGON.

Lab 1 photos
Fitting equipment, Lab 1, April 1956
​© Crown Copyright / AWE 2021. Contains public sector information licenced under the Open Government Licence V3.0.
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Lab 1 graphics
Lab 1 isometric view
© IRGON (Ray Maffey)
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