Aircraft & Armament

English Electric Canberra B.2 WD947, a frequent visitor to0 Orford Ness, at Farnborough in 1957.

Aircraft associated with Orford Ness

Ever since the airfield opened on Orford Ness in 1915, a lot of aircraft were tested and operated from there. The airfield itself closed in the 1920s, but many aircraft continued to use the Ness for bombing trials, or were used for vulnerability tests. In the Cold War, various rocket projectiles were tested fired from aircraft, and various bombs and test vehicles were launched over the Ness bombing lines. IRGON has been gathering a list of aircraft associated with Orford Ness, from the earliest types in 1915 to Cold War jets. We would be pleased to hear from any enthusiasts who spot an error or an omission in the list below: naturally this represents a work in progress!

Airdisco MartinsydeAirdisco = Aircraft Disposal CompanyB8781
Airspeed Convertible EnvoyFor Australiaunknown
Airspeed Oxford IL4540
Airspeed Oxford IL4543
Albatros D.V Original serial D2129/17; acquired 15th July 1917G56
Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 16A-2
Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 16G-ABKF
Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 16S1591
Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 19K5606
Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 23K3585
Armstrong Whitworth AriesJ9037
Armstrong Whitworth AtlasG-EBLK
Armstrong Whitworth AtlasJ8777
Armstrong Whitworth AtlasK1540
Armstrong Whitworth AraF4971
Armstrong Whitworth AraF4972
Armstrong Whitworth AwanaJ6898
Armstrong Whitworth F.K. 3A8103
Armstrong Whitworth F.K. 8B224
Armstrong Whitworth F.K. 10Used for gunnery testing; serial probably in range B3996 to B4000B…
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin IIIJ6981
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin IIIJ7161
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin IIIAJ7001
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin IIIDCJ7000
Armstrong Whitworth Starling IJ8027
Armstrong Whitworth Starling IIJ8028
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley IK4586
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley IK4587
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley IK7183
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley IK7208
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley IWrong serial (Supermarine Spitfire Ia)K9836
Austin A.F.T.3 OspreyX15
Austin-Ball A.F.B.1Serial not wornB9909
Avro 529A3695
Avro 626 / 637G-ABJG
Avro 636A14
Avro 707AVX784
Avro Anson IK4771
Avro Anson IK6152
Avro Anson IK6228
Avro Anson IK6260
Avro Anson IK8758
AvroAnson IINo. 84 Group Communications Squadron; to Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946; sold for scrap 27th March 1950NL239
AvroAnson 19Alloted to Armament Flight, Martlesham Heath November 1951; used for telemetering tests for Fort Halstead to at least August 1952VM360
Avro AntelopeJ9183
Avro Ashton IIIWB492
AvroAshton IIIDelivered to “B” Flight, Martlesham Heath December 1952; to B.T. (Ballistics Trials) Flight, Martlesham HeathWE670
Avro557 AvaN171
Avro AvengerG-EBND
Avro584 AvocetN209
Avro555 BisonN154
Avro555A Bison IIN9844
Avro BuffaloG-EBNW
Avro572 Buffalo IIN239
AvroLancaster B. IBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946PD124
AvroLancaster B. IBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946PD137
AvroLancaster B. IIIBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946PB539
AvroLancaster B. IIIBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946PB619
AvroLancaster B. VIBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946ND418
AvroLancaster B. VIBomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946ND558
Avro Lancaster IAir trials of airburst barometric fuses August 1951 (AVIA 29/2635)PB752
AvroLincoln B. 1Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by January 1951 to at least September 1952; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham HeathRA633
AvroLincoln B. 2To Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath starting May 1951 to at least September 1952RA640
AvroLincoln B. 2(S)To B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham heath, starting August 1952 to at least September 1952RA716/G
AvroLincoln B. 1To Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath by January 1951 to at least May 1952RE242
AvroLincoln B. 1One of three Lincoln bombers operated by Canada February 1946 to November 1948; had been planned to equip Canadian bombers squadrons with the type as part of the war against Japan; after the end of hostilities, plans were scrapped; operated at the Winter Experimental Establishment and returned to the RAF; to Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath by January 1951; left for Australia February 1951. Reduced to parts in Australia 1953RE258
AvroLincoln B. 2(S)Python Lincoln allotted to Armament Flight, Martlesham Heath December 1951; to Australia July 1952 (mis-quoted as RD339)RE339
AvroLincoln B. 2(S)Python Lincoln allotted to B Flight, Martlesham Heath February 1952 to at least September 1952; source states Python engine, but the aircaft was in fact a testbed for the Theseus engine; source also misquotes serial as RF418 on one occasionRE418
AvroLincoln B. 2(S)Allotted to B Flight, Martlesham Heath February 1952 to at least August 1952; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham HeathRF403
AvroLincoln B. 2Allotted to B Flight, Martlesham Heath February 1952; disposed of April 1952RF533
AvroLincoln B. 2Arrived at Martlesham Heath 19th October 1951 in connection with new project controlled by Fort Halstead; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham HeathRF561
AvroLincoln B. 2Allotted to Armament Flight, Martlesham Heath December 1951; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath, February 1952 to at least August 1952; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham HeathWD145
Avro 533 Manchester IF3493
Avro533 Manchester IIF3492
Blackburn Baffin IIS1665
Blackburn Baffin IIConverted Blackburn Ripon IICS1670
Blackburn BT.1 BeagleN236
Blackburn TSR Blackburn IS1056
Blackburn Botha IL6104
Blackburn T.4 Cubaroo IN166
Blackburn T.4 Cubaroo IN167
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IN185
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IAN185
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IIN185
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IIIN238
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IIIS1593
Blackburn RB.1 Iris IVN185
Blackburn RB.1 Iris VS1263
Blackburn KangarooB9970
Blackburn B-3 (M.1/30)S1640
Blackburn2F1 NautilusN234
Blackburn Perth IK3581
Blackburn Perth IK4011
BlackburnT5 Ripon IB-4
BlackburnT5 Ripon IB-5
BlackburnT5 Ripon IN203
BlackburnT5 Ripon IN204
Blackburn Ripon IIS1270
Blackburn Ripon IIAWrong serial (Fairey Flycatcher)S1277
Blackburn Ripon IIIS1272
Blackburn RocL3058
Blackburn RocL3069
Blackburn Shark IK4295
Blackburn Shark IK4349
Blackburn Shark IIK5607
Blackburn SkuaK5178
Blackburn SkuaL2868
BlackburnRB.2 SydneyN241
Blackburn T.S.R. B-6
BoeingNKC-135AUsed for calibration of Cobra Mist; based at RAF Mildenhall55-3125
BoeingNKC-135AFlying Ionospheric Lab; supported Cobra Mist October 1972;
based at RAF Mildenhall
Boulton PaulP.31 BitternJ7936
Boulton PaulP.31 BitternJ7937
Boulton PaulBobolinkC8655
Boulton PaulBourges IIF2903
Boulton PaulBourges IIF2905
Boulton PaulP.25 Bugle IJ7235
Boulton PaulP.25A Bugle IIJ7266
Boulton PaulP.75 Overstrand IConverted Boulton Paul Sidestrand IIIJ9186
Boulton PaulP.75 Overstrand IK4546
Boulton PaulP.75 Overstrand IK8175
Boulton PaulP.32J9950
Boulton PaulP.33 PartridgeJ8459
Boulton PaulP.29 SidestrandPrototypeJ7938
Boulton PaulP.29 SidestrandUsed on Orford Ness bombing trials 1931J7939
Boulton PaulP.29 Sidestrand IIIJ9176
Boulton PaulDefiant IK8310
Breguet XIXMass-produced from 1924J7507
BristolType 118ABuilt in early 1930sK2873
Bristol Type 119First flight 1931R-3
Bristol Type 120First flight 29th January 1932R-6
Bristol Type 120K3587
Bristol Type 148K6551 was one of two prototypes built 1937K6551
Bristol Blenheim IWrong serial (De Havilland Gypsy Moth)K1201
Bristol Blenheim IPrototype; first flight April 1935K7033
Bristol Blenheim IK7034
Bristol Blenheim IK7044
Bristol Blenheim IK7150
Bristol Blenheim IL1113
Bristol Blenheim IL1201
Bristol Blenheim ICrashed on Orford Ness 14th December 1938L1253
Bristol Blenheim IL1424
Bristol Blenheim IL1495
BristolType 84 BloodhoundOne of four prototypes; first flight May 1923J7248
Bristol BombayFirst flight of prototype 23rd June 1935, first production aircraft March 1939K3583
Bristol Braemar ISole Mk. I, first flight 13th March 1918C4296
Bristol Braemar IISole Mk. II, first flight 18th February 1919C4297
Bristol Bulldog IFirst flight of prototype Mk. I 17th May 1927unknown
Bristol Bulldog IIFirst flight of prototype Mk. II 21st January 1928J9480
Bristol Bulldog IIWrong serial (Fairey Battle IWK9567
Bristol Bulldog IIAK3512
Bristol Bulldog IIAK4189
Bristol Bulldog IIA Mod.K1691
Bristol Bulldog IIAR-5
Bristol Bulldog IIAR-7
Bristol BullpupPrecursor to Bristol BulldogJ9051
Bristol F.2A FighterA3303
Bristol F.2B FighterA7181
Bristol F.2B FighterA7183
Bristol F.2B FighterB1181
Bristol F.2B FighterC4654
Bristol F.2B IIIA FighterJ8251
Bristol F.I ScoutB3991
CaudronR.XIFirst flight 1916B8822
Chance-VoughtV-66E CorsairSole example of O3U in Britain; first flight 1926K3561
Consolidated Model 28-5 CatalinaJoined Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment July 1939P9630
ConvairNC-131HUsed for calibration of Cobra Mist; based in Mildenhall53-7799
CurtissH-4 Small AmericaProduced for RNAS at beginning of WW I950
CurtissH-4 Small America951
CurtissH-12 Large AmericaFirst flight 19168650
Airco De HavillandD.H. 2unknown
Airco De Havilland D.H. 4A2129
Airco De Havilland D.H. 4A2168
Airco De Havilland D.H. 4A7532
Airco De Havilland D.H. 4A7673
Airco De HavillandD.H. 5A9186
Airco De HavillandD.H. 5A9403
Airco De HavillandD.H. 9C6051
Airco De HavillandD.H. 9C6052
Airco De HavillandD.H. 9C6078
Airco De HavillandD.H. 9C6078
Airco De HavillandD.H. 9Wrong serial (Airco De Havilland 4)A7559
Airco De Havilland D.H. 9A J Stag.J7028
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IC8658
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IIC8659
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IIIC4283
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IIICrashed on Orford Ness 1918C8660
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IIIAE5458
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens IIIAF1869
Airco De Havilland D.H. 10CE5550
Airco De Havilland D.H. 11 OxfordH5892
De Havilland D.H. 14 OkapiJ1939
De Havilland D.H. 42 DormouseJ7005
De Havilland D.H. 42A Dingo IJ7006
De Havilland D.H. 56 HyenaJ7780
De Havilland D.H. 56 HyenaJ7781
De Havilland D.H. 60G Gipsy MothK1227
De Havilland D.H. 77 InterceptorJ9771
De Havilland D.H. 82 Tiger Moth IIK4281
De Havilland D.H. 87B Hornet MothP6785
De Havilland D.H. 89M Dragon RapideK4772
De Havilland D.H. 98 MosquitoTo Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath??663
De HavillandD.H. 98 Mosquito B. 16To Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946MM142
De HavillandD.H. 98 Mosquito B. 16To Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath by October 1946; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; disposed of August 1952PF564
De HavillandD.H. 98 Mosquito B. 16To Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath by October 1946PF600
De HavillandD.H. 98 Mosquito B. 35Allotted to Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath November 1951 to at least September 1952TK650
De HavillandD.H. 100 Vampire F.B. 5Delivered to Bomb Ballistics Unit, Martlesham Heath 12th October 1949, to St. Athan 31st March 1954 for ground instruction as 7132M, struck off charge 2nd December 1958VZ117
De HavillandD.H. 112 Venom F.B. 1Based at Farnborough or Cranwell; 1’000 lb bomb carriage proving tests; derelict at Cranwell around 1964WE267
De Havilland D.H. 103 Hornetunknown
Dewoitine D.510L4670
English ElectricCanberra B2source unknownWD661
English ElectricCanberra B2source unknownWD912
English ElectricCanberra B. 2Based at Farnborough?; accidental release of bomb over Orford NessWD931
English ElectricCanberra B2Listed in AIR 2/13683 on LABS trials 1956 – 1957WD941
English ElectricCanberra B. 2Allotted to Armaments Flight, Martlesham Heath December 1952; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham Heath; bombing trials until at least September 1952WD947
English ElectricCanberra B. 2Allotted to B Flight, Martlesham Heath April 1952; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham Heath; bombing trials until at least September 1952WD953
English ElectricCanberra B2source unknownWH661
English Electric P.5 Kingston IN9709
English Electric P.5 Kingston IIN9712
Fairey IIIBN2246
Fairey IIIDN9777
Fairey IIIF IV M.J9053
Fairey IIIF IV M.J9150
Fairey IIIF IV M.J9164
Fairey IIIF IV M.N198
Fairey IIIF IV M.N225
Fairey IIIF IV GR.J9154
Fairey Albacore IL7075
Fairey Battle IK4303
Fairey Battle IK7577
Fairey Battle IK7682
Fairey Battle IK9207
Fairey Battle IK9208
Fairey Battle IK9221
Fairey Battle IK9227
Fairey Battle IK9227
Fairey Battle IK9231
Fairey Fawn IIJ7184
Fairey Fawn IIIJ7978
Fairey Ferret IN190
Fairey Ferret IIN191
Fairey Ferret IIN192
Fairey Ferret IIIN192
Fairey Firefly Iunknown
Fairey FleetwingN235
Fairey Flycatcher IIN216
Fairey Flycatcher IIS1286
Fairey FoxJ7941
Fairey FoxJ8427
Fairey FoxJ9026
Fairey Fox II MJ9834
Fairey G.4/31K3905
Fairey GordonConverted Fairey IIIF IVBK1697
Fairey HendonK1695
Fairey P.4/34K7555
Fairey Pintail IN133
Fairey Pintail IIN134
Fairey S.9/30S1706
Fairey SeafoxK4305
Fairey SealK3577
Fairey SealConverted Fairey IIIFS1325
Fairey SwordfishK4190
Fairey TitaniaN129
Fairey T.S.R. IIK4190
Henry Farman unknown
Maurice Farman S.11A2191
Farnborough AE.3 RamB8781
Felixstowe F.13580
Felixstowe F.2cN65
Felixstowe F.3N64
Felixstowe F.3N4230
Felixstowe F.5N177
Felixstowe F.5N90
Felixstowe FuryN123
FiatC.R.42Original serial MM.5701BT474
Fokker D.VII2009/18
Gloster Gamecock IJ7757
Gloster Gamecock IJ7891
Gloster Gauntlet I K4081
Gloster Gauntlet I K4094
Gloster Gauntlet I K4103
Gloster Gladiator I K5200
Gloster Gladiator I K6129
Gloster Gladiator I K7919
Gloster Gladiator I K7922
Gloster Gladiator I K7939
Gloster Gladiator I K7964
Gloster Gnatsnapper N227
Gloster Gnatsnapper III N227
Gloster Goldfinch J7940
Gloster G.22 Goral J8673
Gloster Gorcock J7501
Gloster Gorcock J7503
Gloster Meteor FR 9 Delivered 15th January 1952; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight at Martlesham Heath; alotted to rocket trials over Orford Ness April 1952 – 1955; forced landed September 1953 and repaired; struck off change 6th September 1957 as CAT 5(S) at No. 15 MU, WroughtonWH535
Gloster Meteor NF 11unknown
Gloster SS 18 J9125
Gloster SS 18A J9125
Gloster SS 18B J9125
Gloster SS 19 J9125
Gloster SS 19A Crashed on Orford Ness July 1931 J9125
Gloster SS 37 G-37
Gloster Surrey K2602
Gloster TC. 33 J9832
Gloster TSR. 38 S1705
Halberstadt CL.IVOriginal serial 4675/18; acquired 1918 or laterG/5 Bde/22
Handley Page O/100unknown
Handley Page O/400C9681
Handley Page V/1500B9463
Handley Page V/1500J6573
Handley Page H.P. 25 Hendon N9729
Handley Page H.P. 28 Handcross J7498
Handley Page H.P. 33 Hinaidi I Converted Handley Page HyderabadJ7745
Handley Page H.P. 33 Hinaidi II J9478
Handley Page H.P. 34 HareJ8622
Handley Page H.P. 38 Heyford I J9130
Handley Page H.P. 38 Heyford I K3489
Handley Page H.P. 38 Heyford I K3503
Handley Page H.P. 38 Heyford IAK4029
Handley Page H.P. 38 Heyford III K6902
Handley Page H.P. 43/51J9833
Handley Page H.P. 47K2773
Handley PageH.P. 51 Harrow IN205
Handley Page H.P. 52 Hampden IK4240
Handley Page H.P. 52 Hampden IL4035
Handley Page H.P. 54 HarrowK6933
Handley Page H.P. 54 HarrowK6934
Handley Page H.P. 54 Harrow IIK7031
Handley Page H.P. 80 Victor unknown
HawkerAudax I K1995
HawkerAudax I K3067
HawkerDantorp Danish serial201
HawkerDantorp Danish serial202
HawkerDemon I K3764
HawkerDemon I K5684
HawkerDemon I Wrong serial (Hawker Hart)K4996
HawkerDemon I Wrong serial (Supermarine Spitfire Ia)K9930
HawkerDemon I Wrong serial (Supermarine Spitfire Ia)K9933
HawkerFury I K1926
HawkerFury I K1927
HawkerFury I K1928
HawkerFury I K1935
HawkerFury I K2082
HawkerFury I K2876
HawkerFury II K7263
HawkerFury II K8232
HawkerG4/31 P.V.4 K6926
HawkerHardy Converted HartK3013
HawkerHardy K5919
HawkerHarrier I J8325
HawkerHart IJ9052
HawkerHart IJ9933
HawkerHart IK1416
HawkerHart IK2466
HawkerHart IK2967
HawkerHart IK2968
HawkerHart IWrong serial (Fairey Gordon I)K2740
HawkerHawfinch J8776
HawkerHector K3719
HawkerHedgehog N187
HawkerHenley L3243
HawkerHenley L3247
HawkerHind Converted HartK2915
HawkerHind No. 1
HawkerHoopoe N237
HawkerHornbill J7782
HawkerHornet Converted FuryJ9682
HawkerHorsley I J7511
HawkerHorsley I J7721
HawkerHorsley I J8006
HawkerHorsley I Wrong serial (Supermarine Southampton)S1235
HawkerHorsley II J8932
HawkerHorsley II S1236
HawkerHorsley II S1247
HawkerHorsley III J8904
HawkerHorsley III J8606
HawkerHorsley III J8612
HawkerHunter unknown
HawkerHurricaneWrong serial (Armstrong Whitworth Atlas)K1562
HawkerHurricaneWrong serial (Armstrong Whitworth Atlas)K1574
HawkerHurricaneWrong serial (Fairey Hendon)K1695
HawkerHurricaneWrong serial (Cierva C.19)K1696
HawkerNimrod IK2823
HawkerOspreyConverted HartJ9052
HawkerOsprey IIIK3615
HawkerOsprey IIIS1700
HawkerOsprey IVK5742
HawkerP.V.3. I-PV3
HawkerTempest IIAIR 29/1688: aircraft operated April 1946unknown
HawkerWoodcock IIJ7512
HawkerWoodcock IIJ7513
HawkerWoodcock IIJ7514
HawkerWoodcock IIJ7515
HawkerWoodcock IIJ7516
LockheedHudson IN7206
L.V.G.C.VOriginal serial 1082/18G/5 Bde/18
Martin Baker MB2InterceptorP9594
MartinsydeG.100 Elephant7463
MartinsydeG.102 ElephantA3948
MartinsydeG.102 ElephantA6299
MartinsydeF.2Development of F.1A3933
MilesMagister IL8168
MilesMartinet unknown
NieuportLondon IH1740
Norman ThompsonNT.2Bunknown
Norman ThompsonNT.4unknown
Norman ThompsonNT.4Aunknown
North AmericanHarvard IN7001
North AmericanHarvard IIbAIR 29/1688: aircraft operated April 1946unknown
Parnall or HendyHeck IICK8853
PfalzD.IIIAOriginal serial 4184/17; acquired 26th February 1918G141
Phoenix P5Cork IN86
Phoenix P5Cork IIN87
Port VictoriaPV.8N540
RepublicP-47 Thunderbolt IIAIR 29/1688: aircraft operated April 1946unknown
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 2c4148
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 2cA8896
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 2d6233
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 2eA8636
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 126157
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 12C3188
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 12aA564
Royal Aircraft FactoryB.E. 12aA597
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2b4873
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2bA5540
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2bA5642
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2bA5714
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2dA6355
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2dA6513
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2dWrong serial (Royal Aircraft Factory F.E. 2) B401
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2dWrong serial (Bristol F.2b)C4808
Royal Aircraft FactoryF.E. 2hA6545
Royal Aircraft FactoryN.E. 1B3971
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 1Wrong serial (Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens)E5458
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 7Wrong serial (Airco De Havilland D.H. 10 Amiens)E5550
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 8A66
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 8A73
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 8A4716
Royal Aircraft FactoryR.E. 9A95
Royal Aircraft FactoryS.E. 5A4563
Royal Aircraft FactoryS.E. 5A4845
Royal Aircraft FactoryS.E. 5aB4875
Royal Aircraft FactoryS.E. 5aB4899
RumplerC.IVOriginal serial C8500/16; acquired 28th December 1917G117
SaroLerwick IL7248
SaroLerwick IL7249
SaroLerwick IL7251
SaroLerwick IL7252
SaroLondon IK3560
SaroLondon IIK3560
SaroLondon IIK5257
SaroLondon IIK5908
SaroA.3 ValkyrieN186
ShortAdmiralty Type 1848349
ShortAdmiralry Type 320Type ordered for RNAS February 1917unknown
ShortS.10 Gurnard IIN228
ShortS.10 Gurnard IIN229
Short S.8/8 Rangoon IIK3678
Short S.8/8 Rangoon IIS1433
Short Seaford IMZ269
Short Seaford INJ200
Short Seaford INJ201
Short ShirlN110
Short ShirlN111
Short Singapore IN179
Short Singapore IIN246
Short Singapore IIC N246
Short Singapore IIIK3592
Short Singapore IIIK3593
Short Singapore IIIK4577
Short Singapore IIIK6922
Short Singapore IIIK8567
Short SperrinVX161
Short Springbok II J7295
Short Sunderland IK4774
Short Sunderland IL2158
Short Sunderland IL2159
Short Sunderland IL2160
Short Sunderland IL5807
Short Sunderland IN9021
Short Sunderland GR VSZ599
Short Sunderland GR VTX293
Sopwith 1½ Strutterunknown
SopwithBuffalo H5893
Sopwith 2FR.2 Bulldog Wrong serial (Armstrong Whitworth Siskin)C4543
Sopwith Camel B2538
Sopwith Camel B3862
Sopwith Camel B6329
Sopwith 2F1 Camel N6812
Sopwith Cobham II H671
Sopwith Cobham II H672
Sopwith Dolphin I C3779
Sopwith Dolphin I D3747
Sopwith Dragon Converted Sopwith SnipeE7990
Sopwith Pup B1717
Sopwith Pup B1755
Sopwith 2B.2 RhinoX7
Sopwith Schneider unknown
Sopwith Snail I C4288
Sopwith Snail II C4284
Sopwith Snapper F7031
Sopwith Snark F4068
Sopwith Snark F4070
Sopwith Snipe E7987
Sopwith Triplane (N5430)
Sopwith Triplane Wrong serial (Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.2b)A5430
SpAD S.VII A8965
Sunbeam Bomber N515
Supermarine Type 224 F7/30K2890
Supermarine ScapaSouthampton IVS1648
Supermarine Scimitar F1XD229
Supermarine Seagull IIWrong serial (Supermarine Walrus I)K4797
Supermarine Seagull IIIunknown
Supermarine SouthamptonS1037
Supermarine SouthamptonS1038
Supermarine Southampton I N9896
Supermarine Southampton II N218
Supermarine Southampton II S1122
Supermarine Southampton III S1059
Supermarine Southampton XN252
Supermarine SpitfirePrototypeK5054
Supermarine Spitfire IaK9787
Supermarine Spitfire IaK9788
Supermarine Spitfire IaK9793
Supermarine Spitfire IaL1007
Supermarine Spitfire VIIIAIR 29/1688: aircraft operated April 1946unknown
Supermarine Spitfire XIVAIR 29/1688: aircraft operated April 1946unknown
Supermarine StranraerK3973
Supermarine StranraerK7290
Supermarine StranraerK7291
Supermarine StranraerK7295
Supermarine Walrusunknown
Vickers 163O-2
Vickers 207S1641
Vickers 253K2771
Vickers B9/32 WellingtonK4049
Vickers FB.14DC4547
Vickers JockeyJ9122
Vickers ValentiaK3599
Vickers ValentiaK3603
Vickers ValiantNo. 11
Vickers ValiantWP199
Vickers ValiantWZ383
Vickers FB.26 Vampire IB1484
Vickers Vannock IJ9131
Vickers Vellore IG-EBYX
Vickers Type 279 VenomPVO-10
Vickers Vernon IIIJ7548
Vickers Vespa Iunknown
Vickers Victoria VK2340
Vickers VikingAround 1919 – 1923unknown
Vickers Viking 1AArrived at Martlesham Heath March 1952; carried out tests for Fort Halstead until May 1952; to B Flight, Martlesham Heath; to B.T. Flight, Martlesham HeathVW214
Vickers VildebeestN230
Vickers Vildebeest IK2819
Vickers Vildebeest IS1707
Vickers Vildebeest IS1715
Vickers Vildebeest IIIK4164
Vickers VimyB9952
Vickers VimyB9953
Vickers VimyB9954
Vickers VimyF3175
Vickers VimyH5081
Vickers VincentConverted Vildebeest IS1714
Vickers VireoN211
Vickers Virginia IJ6856
Vickers Virginia IIIJ7130
Vickers Virginia VIJ7558
Vickers Virginia VIJ7717
Vickers Virginia VIIIJ6856
Vickers Virginia VIIIWrong serial (Armstrong Whitworth Siskin III)J6998
Vickers Virginia IXConverted Vickers Virginia VI J7562
Vickers Virginia IXConverted Vickers Virginia VI J7715
Vickers Virginia XConverted Vickers Virginia IV; used on bomb ballistics trials 1930J7275
Vickers Virginia XConverted Vickers Virginia VJ7421
Vickers Virginia XConverted Vickers Virginia VJ7439
Vickers Virginia XConverted Vickers Virginia VI J7717
Vickers WellesleyK7556
Vickers Wellington I L4212
Vickers Wellington I L4221
Westland F7/30 (PV-4)K2891
Westland F20/27 J9124
Westland F29/27 C.O.W. gun fighter J9565
Westland Lysander K6127
Westland Lysander K6128
Westland Lysander L4739
Westland PV-3 K4048
Westland Yeovil I J7508
Westland Wagtail C4291
Westland Wagtail C4293
Westland PV-6 Wallace I K3488
Westland PV-6 Wallace I K3562
Westland Walrus N9500
Westland Wapiti IJ9084
Westland Wapiti IIJ9238
Westland Wapiti IIWrong serial (Airco De Havilland D.H. 9A)J8492
Westland Wapiti IIA J9247
Westland Wapiti IIA Wrong serial (Armstrong Whitworth Siskin III)J9328
Westland WestburyJ7766
Westland Whirlwind PL6844
Westland Witch I J8596
Westland Wizard II J9252
Wight Admiralty838
ZeppelinwerkeShot down over Theberton 17th June 1917L48

Many of these entries were compiled from the book “Orfordness Secret Site” by Gordon Kinsey, 1981. Other references are mentioned in the Notes column. We will improve the granularity of our references as our work progresses. When checking serial numbers, we came across some anomalies, which we have attempted to point out in the table. Please use our contact page for informing us of any errors or omissions.